Sliding scale

I offer separation anxiety training with sliding scale pricing. Due to the complexity of this behavior, many dogs require a lengthy training program which can be cost prohibitive. This sliding scale comes from a desire to keep dogs in the homes that love them and reduce barriers to accessing support.


Pay-it-Forward Price

The pay-it-forward price is $825 per training package, slightly above the actual cost of the service. Selecting the pay-it-forward price supports my work so that I can continue to offer sliding scale training and free resources.

Actual Price

The actual cost of the separation anxiety training package is $750. If you choose a price below this, you are receiving a discount.

Middle Price

The middle price is $550 for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little to no expendable income. Paying for separation anxiety training may be a sacrifice, but it would not create hardship.

Bottom Price

The bottom price is $300 for those who struggle to meet their basic needs and for whom paying for separation anxiety training would be a significant hardship.

This sliding scale is built on trust, honesty, and care for others.


I offer a limited number of training packages at the middle and bottom prices. Please be mindful that if you purchase a training package at the lowest end of the scale when you can afford the higher package prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility.


This conceptualization of Sliding Scale as a Tool for Economic Justice comes from Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts and Cunning Apothecary. Read more here.